Tricks to Remove Dirt from the Collar

The shirt collar is undoubtedly one of the elements that identify our style. It is essential that the collar corresponds to our tastes, preferences and adapts to our needs. The collar is an authentic business card: it must be flawless.

It sometimes happens that spots of various kinds such as sweat, grease, sebum, and the like remain on the collar. In this guide, we will see some tricks to remove dirt.

Marseille Soap

Grandmothers, as always, have the right remedy for everything. The first tip to try to eliminate stains from the shirt collar is the classic Marseille soap.

Applied dry after moistening the affected area with warm water, the soap guarantees the result even in stubborn dirt. After application, rubs lightly, put the shirt in the washing machine, and wash at 40°C.

Baking soda

The versatility of baking soda is known to everyone. In our guide’s case, the baking soda must be expertly mixed with water to form a dense solution. Then apply the paste on the collar with a brush and leave for about twenty to thirty minutes. Then proceed with a washing machine at 30°C.

The shampoo

Another remedy, also usable for the cuffs of your shirt, is the use of a possibly neutral shampoo or, in any case, for oily hair. For correct use, it is advisable not to overdo the quantity: a few drops, applied with the fingers’ fingertips on the stain, will guarantee you an excellent result. The shampoo will dissolve the dirt by acting in a few minutes. A normal machine wash will then complete the job.

The stain remover

There are countless stain removers on the market, all effective, able to return your collar to the glories of the past. Although it requires maximum attention, the use is quite simple: spray the product on the affected part, leave to act, and wash normally. Avoid do-it-yourself stain removers: better avoid complicating things.

The ammonia

Extreme blemishes, extreme remedies. If your stain is particularly ” affectionate,” soak a cotton ball in ammonia (alternatively in white vinegar), cleanse, and leave to act for about a quarter of an hour. Then apply some talcum powder and brush, then machine wash.

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