Dedicating yourself to marble care is not an easy thing, especially if you want to polish the marble and obtain a really effective result. You can find various products suitable for polishing on the market, and they are not always ecological substances.
Their use could be a real problem for protecting the environment, so it is useful to know the best natural solutions for polishing marble. Fortunately for you, the purpose of this tutorial is precisely to explain how to polish marble with natural solutions capable of obtaining the same, if not superior, the result of harmful products or the polisher.
One of the best natural solutions is ash: to polish the marble, just moisten a sponge with Marseille soap and cover it with ash. At this point, rub the marble surface and, once finished, rinse with plenty of water. In addition to polishing, the ash is also useful for the recovery of faded and ruined marble.
Among the natural substances suitable for polishing marble there is sodium bicarbonate. Dissolve four or five teaspoons of baking soda in a little water and mix until you get a cream. Then take the mixture and spread it over the entire surface of the marble and, without rubbing, let it act for almost an hour. Finally, rinse with warm water.
You can also use bicarbonate in another way to polish your marble. Prepare water (1 Lite) solution and bicarbonate (about 1 tablespoon) and put it in a spray bottle. Shake, spray and clean with a microfiber cloth. By doing so, in a short time, you will be able to obtain a surprising result!
In the case of marble floors, use fine steel wool and bicarbonate to polish them. You will find this type of wool at any hardware store. But pay close attention to the fact that it is excellent. Sprinkle the flour with baking soda and scrub each spot with dry wool. To make your work easier, instead of handling the wool with your hands, use a mop.
Other natural solutions are the use of natural waxes, excellent for giving back splendor and shine to your marble. Try a mixture of potato starch and turpentine essence for greasy stains: sprinkle it on the stains and let it sit for a couple of hours before rinsing with water.