How to perfume the house with the essential oils

How many times have you thought, entering an environment, the pleasantness of the stay? Often it imputes positive to light, so to reflect the furniture or the presence of ornaments and paintings by energetic colors.

Who would have thought that the sense of smell and hearing is equally involved in conveying emotions? Think about it; an important role and a decisive state of well-being on an emotional level is the environment’s pleasant scent.

Like perfume, the house, like the choice of paintings, furniture, and curtains, is an art, and essential oils an excellent means of giving emotion and warmth to the house, shop, or office that is!

To perfume the house, you may want to head to the supermarket and choose from the various air fresheners. There are various types: the classic spray liquids or those provided with a special diffuser connected to an electrical outlet or battery powered.

The doubt is to spread in the air a series of traditionally fewer healthy chemicals. Not having to worry about this aspect, it is best to choose to spread a pleasant scent using essential oils.

Essential oils are sold in small bottles of fragrance, often artisanal production, generated with natural fragrances and specific customer requirements. Production must scrupulously comply with the Ministry of Health’s quality standards and European regulations concerning cosmetics to ensure non-toxicity and quality. For more guarantees, we recommend you purchase at health-food stores or in pharmacies.

There are many ways to perfume the home environment, all designed to allow the essence to spread. In the sale of special speakers made especially for essential oils, there are usually made of ceramic or clay, consisting of a double pan overlapping each other.

Just put water on the above and add a few drops of the desired fragrance. In the below pan, put a candle whose flame will heat the mix of oil and water by evaporating from the solution and expanding the air’s aroma.

Buying a speaker is unnecessary: you can get good results with other methods, all very practical. A quick and convenient method is to use a vial equipped with spray, fill it with water, and add a few essential oil drops. You will spray from time to time a bit in the air to have quick and effective results.

Another idea is to put a few drops of essential oil in a sponge and then hide it in a nice ornamental ceramic vase or sprinkle a few drops of aromatherapy oils on the potpourri of flowers that you put in a centerpiece or empty-pocket.

To let the fragrance will spread, you can put a few drops of essence on the objects that have a porous surface, such as, for example, terracotta, plaster, or wood.

In winter, if you have the radiators in the house, you can take advantage of the heat and put a few drops of essential oil in the reservoir used to humidify the environment. You have to choose the fragrance that best suits your home, perhaps by seeking help from the principles of aromatherapy.

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