Natural remedies to disinfect the home
The house always needs to be kept clean and disinfected as a matter of hygiene and avoid the risk of contracting allergies to mold, dust, and other annoying substances. However, to avoid using toxic products that can damage your health, even more, it is always better to resort to effective natural remedies to disinfect your home better.
If you have a kitchen or a marble bathroom, there is nothing better than baking soda to disinfect all surfaces very well. For example, if you have mold problems and want to sanitize the wall corners of your home, clean everything with a sponge soaked in water and baking soda, and you will see what results.
One last natural remedy to disinfect every corner of your home is based on essential oils. The essential oils of lavender and thyme, for example, mixed with a pinch of distilled water, can clean and disinfect everything you have in the house, leaving every surface fragrant and clean.
If you want to wash the floor with these oils, you can add only a few drops of essential oils to the bucket of warm water to have a truly stunning result both for hygiene reasons and for the scent obtained.
The first effective remedy that is really effective and useful to clean and perfume the house without resorting to chemicals is vinegar. Vinegar has always proved to be a truly irreplaceable natural product to clean and whiten surfaces in the best possible way and make them completely disinfected.
Vinegar is a natural anti-mold, does not release odors on surfaces, and has great antibacterial properties. It is therefore perfect for disinfecting tiles, floors, walls, and all areas of your home. Dilute the vinegar with warm water and rub the area to be disinfected with a sponge.
Lemon is another perfect natural disinfectant. Fragrant and delicate, thanks to its acidity, lemon disinfects every area of the house, leaving a truly excellent scent. A third irreplaceable natural disinfectant is the classic baking soda that you all surely have at home.
Abrasive, descaler, and disinfectant, bicarbonate is perfect for disinfecting furniture, walls, floors and thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing pots, pans, and cutlery. You can also use it to disinfect various parts of the kitchen: oven, stove, refrigerator, etc.