House Cleaning

How to make a bright white laundry with washing machine

Have you tried putting complete with detergent, fabric softener because it will not remain odor and because the clothes are soft and the bleach in the tank, but despite this, the laundry has not had the desired result?

A straightforward method can help you get your white laundry beautiful and especially soft and fragrant. Let’s see how.

Requirement: Liquid detergent for washing machine, soda, pure bleach, fabric softener.

Select all more resistant whites to be put into the drum of your washing machine and bed linen, towels, dish towels, in short, all tissues that usually have tough stains.

Fill the basket, but make sure not to overfill because otherwise, the shoes might not come clean, but if you can fill the basket only half, activates the button located on your washing machine the ” half load. ”

Select or wheel, if your washing machine is not electronic but rather manual crank degrees and place at 140°F or 190°F. Enter a normal washing cycle by placing the second crank, which shows the programs on the number 3 if you make it to 140°F, the two if you do it at 190°F.

At this point, open the drawer, where it goes loaded the washing machine and put 2 of liquid detergent caps suitable if the tub is filled only to half, 3 caps if it is full. Also, prefer a liquid detergent with the presence of soda is usually more effective.

Put a fabric softener plugin special pan, and turn on the washing machine when it is pulling the water, using the detergent cap to fill it with bleach diluted with water and poured into the detergent drawer.

Repeat twice if the drum is full. Proceed with the same operation with two tablespoons of baking soda.

Get a glass, dissolve baking soda in water, and poured into the same through. When the machine arrives at the washing cycle in which keeps for a while in the bathroom cloths, please turn it off, and keep them to soak for a time far greater, i.e., for about 4 hours.

After this time, the washing machine on again and continue doing the wash cycle. Once you arrived at the centrifuge, your cycle is complete. The result will be amazing.

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