House Cleaning

How to wash Wool Blankets by hand and in the Washing Machine

After an entire winter season and after sleeping dozens and dozens of nights with your woolen blankets, the time will come when you will have to wash them. When temperatures begin to rise, and it is time for the change of season, it will be essential to keep the well-washed and perfumed blankets ready for use for the next cold season.

So let’s see, with this guide, how to wash wool blankets by hand and in the washing machine.

Needed: Detergent for wool and delicates, Water, Vinegar, Wool blanket.

Whenever you have to put your woolen blankets aside, for a matter of order and cleanliness, it is a good idea to wash them thoroughly before storing them in the wardrobe for months to be ready and clean for the next use.

Blankets are used continuously during the winter and often become impregnated with bad smells, sweat, or stains. It is advisable to wash the woolen blankets, by hand or in the washing machine, before placing them in the closets or closets.

To wash the wool blanket in the washing machine, it is always a good rule to read the labels sewn on the blanket to set exactly the temperature needed to wash it based on the exact composition of the fabric.

Once this is done, always set the washing machine to wash in cold water and for woolen and delicate garments and use the special perfumed detergents that you can find in all supermarkets or specialized shops.

First of all, do not spin the blanket because the wool could become felt and stiffen, losing its natural softness and elasticity and never use the dryer because it would ruin the fabric but hang it normally outdoors and preferably in the shade. With this wash, stains, streaks, and odors will go away very easily.

As for the hand washing of wool blankets, know that the procedure will be slightly more tiring, but you will still have an excellent result. Soak the wool blanket in a bathtub with slightly warm water and scrub any stains with a hand wash detergent and a cup of vinegar, which will help you remove the streaks more easily.

Once the blanket has been rubbed well, please leave it in the water for a whole night and the next morning, rinse thoroughly until the water is clear. Finally, let the wool blanket dry in the shade without pulling it too hard so as not to deform it.

Note: Do not use the dryer to dry the wool blanket.

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