How to wash windows at home with a squeegee
It is best to use the squeegee to dry the windows faster and more effectively; a rubber blade mounted on a stick is ideal for large windows. The handle is extendable to reach the highest points. Work from top to bottom, cleaning the rubber blade with a dry sieve after each pass. I’ll explain how to wash the windows at home with the glass wiper in the following guide.
First of all, remember to avoid cleaning the house’s windows when the sun is shining directly on them. Otherwise, the water will dry too quickly, and dull streaks will appear in the places where you mop or wiper.
If the windows are filthy, use lukewarm water and add a little liquid detergent or a spoonful of denatured alcohol. It is good to use a suede rag together with the squeegee. Dip the rag in the water, squeeze it lightly, wipe it over the glass, start at the edges, and move towards the center, immediately after using the squeegee, passing it from side to side.
If you use dish detergent, rinse the windows with fresh, clean water, then wipe them off. There are also special detergents for cleaning windows, but it is good to wash them first with water if they are filthy. Then wipe the product gently with a soft cloth and then dry with a suede or a glass wiper.
Lightly wet the glass with a sponge soaked in water and denatured alcohol, or wet with a liquid detergent suitable for cleaning windows (as already mentioned). Clean the rubber squeegee with a damp cloth, much more suitable, so that it can slide easily along the glass.
Start cleaning the glass, keeping the squeegee perpendicular to the upper crosspiece of the frame, then gently place it against the corner of the upright and continuing to press, slowly try to slide it horizontally to the end of the other end.
After cleaning the rubber spatula with chamois or any damp cloth (a microfiber cloth that does not shed lint is recommended), place it on the same corner you started cleaning, but this time move it perpendicular to the cross by sliding it slowly down to the end of the base of our frame.
Perpendicularly repeat the cleaning, moving a little with the squeegee, and continue for slightly overlapping strips until you have thoroughly cleaned all the glass. Remember to dry the squeegee rubber after each cleaning. Finally, you can wipe with a dry rag if there are any water droplets left or with a newspaper sheet.