House Cleaning

How to Wash Whites Correctly

Before considering how to wash whites correctly, it is essential to know the quality of the fabric with which they were made: cotton, wool, or synthetic fibers.

Of course, cotton garments are effortless to handle; those made of wool need more care. For synthetic fibers, you must pay attention to the washing tips. By reading this tutorial, you may have some useful information on how to do this.

Needed: Water, soaps, specific detergents for different stains.

Generally, washing white cotton garments puts them in the washing machine with water at a temperature of 140°F. Currently, you do not need high temperatures as you can wash the laundry more frequently than grandmothers did.

The latter had to do quite a heavy job to get a simple, clean sheet. Today, 195°F programs that ruin the laundry are no longer used, especially terry cloth items. Sometimes it is necessary to remove stains from wine, sauce, etc.

On a tablecloth or a dress. In this case, a pre-wash is important; it varies according to the stain to be removed. You can find the guide for their removal; after removing the stains and halos, you can proceed with normal washing.

To wash white woolen garments, it is always advisable to wash them by hand. The leaders do not get felted; it is advisable to soak in cold water for a few hours. They must be washed with lukewarm water (104°F) and use a liquid detergent for wool; then rinse 3/4 times.

Must remove stains on wool before washing without rubbing the fabric. Another danger to avoid is that white wool turns yellow. To avoid this, must do the last rinse with slightly acidulated water; then, the lemon juice is squeezed into a basin, and the clothes are soaked for about a quarter of an hour.

Then they are put to dry on a surface in the air, avoiding the sun’s direct rays. If washing is done in the washing machine, use the specific program and detergent without spinning.

If the whites are made of synthetic fabrics (generic name used for many materials), it is essential to carefully read the washing tips on the label of each garment.

Generally, it is indicated if can wash the garments in water at a maximum temperature of 85/100°F, the use of non-aggressive and enzyme-free detergents, not to wring and to dry in the air and the shade.

Note: Avoid the use of bleach as much as possible: it weakens the fabrics and facilitates their yellowing. Pre-treats stains properly. Read up on other guides.

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