How to wash the Silicone Baking Cups

When we dedicate ourselves to the preparation of tasty desserts, we use different tools. The different mixtures take shape inside particular molds having different sizes and shapes. If we want to impress our guests with an excellent dessert in the oven, we could cook muffins and keep them inside the cups (not large containers).

There are numerous silicone molds on the market, a fairly practical material resistant to high temperatures. There are also cases of this type, which replace the paper ones without giving us special problems. After consuming our sweets inside these soft containers, it is necessary to clean them.

Let’s see how to wash the silicone baking cups, avoiding to ruin them.

Needed: Silicone baking cups. Hot water. Dishwashing liquid (hand wash) or detergent (dishwasher wash). Soft sponge.

Prepare the used baking cups for washing, removing the internal dirt.

If we have to wash the silicone cups, we can choose between two ways. These soft containers are generally washed in the kitchen sink as if they were normal dishes. If we want to use a dishwasher, there is no problem.

First of all, we eliminate all the sweet residues inside the baking cups. To this end, we must rinse a deerskin cloth under running water, wring it out well and pass it gently in the silicone containers to be washed.

In this way, we will have removed the initial part of the dirt, and we have the opportunity to prepare the washing. So let’s see how you can wash the silicone cups by hand or with a dishwasher.

Hand washes the baking cups with a sponge and a mild detergent for dishes.

To wash the baking cups by hand, we must fill the sink with hot water and immerse our silicone containers. We take a classic sponge of the dishes and pour a drop of detergent. We do not use the abrasive part of the used sponge (the dark green one); we risk scratching the internal surface’s silicone cups.

Concerning the detergent, let’s use a specific dish for dishes that are not too aggressive. We also try to use small quantities of product, so as not to ruin our hands. If we want, we can add two lemon wedges in the washing water to better degrease the baking cups. That way, we won’t need to rub too hard to remove dirt.

Wash the cases in the dishwasher with a mild detergent

If we find ourselves with so many dirty dishes and limited time available, we can wash our silicone cups in the dishwasher. Place them inside the appliance, avoiding placing them near knives, scissors, or sharp dishes. The best way to wash them without damaging them is to place them inside the dishwasher’s top compartment.

We then set the washing cycle, taking care not to use too aggressive detergents. As soon as the dishwasher has finished, we remove the silicone cups and check for the lack of dirt residues. When we go to reuse them, rinse them as a precaution. In doing so, we will avoid finding traces of detergent.

Note: We always wash the silicone baking cups before using them every time. We take care not to use aggressive detergents to wash the silicone cups.
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