How to soften woolen garments
Washing wool can be a real worry even for the best housewives, as this type of fabric is completely different from all the others. Surely everyone has washed a wool scarf, only to discover that it was felted. By type, quantity, and origin, the wool is sheep’s wool and is available in many shapes, sizes, and degrees of softness.
This certainly softens with washing, which must be particularly careful and above all carried out with suitable products to avoid damaging the garments, which could expand or even wear out. Fortunately, there are several remedies to remedy the problem. In the following guide, we will see how to soften woolen garments.
When the wool garment is only slightly felted, it is possible to try washing with a solution of water and ammonia diluted in equal parts. Leave to soak for about two hours and rinse under running water. As an alternative, always in light felting, you can leave the garment to soak in a basin with milk. After about half an hour, rinse the garment and rewash it.
A wool garment with a medium-high level of felting should be wet in a container with warm water, add a small amount of mild detergent and leave it to soak for at least a couple of hours. After this time, remove all the soap with warm water, roll the wool garment in a large soft towel and wring out.
If you don’t want to use soaps that tend to fade or stretch the wool, some products are beneficial as fabric softeners. The hair conditioner, which acts on the wool and the hair, helps the fibers to untangle and become soft.
It is also possible to buy lanolin products, which is the natural oil found in sheep’s wool. It is a wash that will be less fragrant than the hair conditioner but has the advantage of increasing the wool’s moisture resistance properties.
Finally, some natural products such as glycerin are recommended for the same reason as a hair conditioner. It is a prevalent and readily available, odorless, and moisture-wicking ingredient. Vinegar is also an excellent softener for woolen garments and, by adding it to the rinse cycle, tends to soften and disinfect the wool fibers.