How to renew your Kitchen

Often, we women, queens of the house, look around and not be satisfied with furnishing our house … too cold, old and outdated, cumbersome, and very heavy! Indeed several years have elapsed since the last purchase, but in this time of crisis, it is not just the case to change the decor, even resorting to purchases in installments! So what to do? We are destined to endure our furniture?

Fortunately, we women have 1,000 ideas and begin the classic chess game with the furniture, moving the sofa from the center to the right corner. Then, the left corner, the table and chairs in the middle, with the door-TV that ends up in the hallway …: alas, no checkmate and the result does not satisfy us at all, indeed!

So? So we must try to intergeneric even more, perhaps focusing on one room … here, the kitchen, our kingdom for excellence, and we try, with a minimum investment, to change a look!

First of all, we have to choose a color for our liking, it may be clear and bright and fresh, we pamper and hugs, while we are busy in the kitchen: orange, lemon yellow, apple green, sea blue or old rose.

The first step is done, now, always keeping in mind the portfolio we go to buy:

It’s time to start with the work, then cut along the line printed on the back of the roll of laminated paper (to avoid the classic ” zig-zag ” ), lists a height, from 10 to 15 cm, which will be attached to the edges of the low and high cuisine.

Generally, the wall units are 40 or 60 cm, so it will be easy to make a quick calculation on the amount of paper to buy, avoid buying the latest sales roll in, and risk leaving so our incomplete work!

First, cut out all the lists and break them down to fit the 40 and the 60. After that, clean and degrease the unit door thoroughly, wipe it with a clean, dry, one after the other, adhere the list to the edge of the roof. Finally, the classic tile decorations we have chosen, always on the topic of color, decided.

After you have cleaned and dried carefully the same tiles, apply without the need for glue decorations, you’re done. And though imported, carefully choose the points and apply decorations, trying to place a harmonious and balanced design on the tiles.

The ladies most experienced and decided, can then enrich the walls of the kitchen, with small decals, specially created for the local cuisine, bearing images of fruit or vegetables or even flowers and brightly colored, which undoubtedly, perhaps with a simple continuous strip or with little drawings on one wall, will contribute to the innovation of local.

Place the decal and color with the paint color theme of the kitchen into the drawing’s space, wait a moment, and remove the decal: our kitchen will purchase a new light and detail, which makes it almost fashionable!

You can buy tea towels and potholders to complete the renewal process, matching the board’s color and replacing the now worn chair cushions and sofa rug, always concerning the kitchen’s theme. Finally, we can give a final touch by changing the curtains’ windows and the carpet under the sink!

That’s it, our new kitchen is ready, bright, cozy, and stylish just like we wanted … all with a few hundred dollars but above all, when we get tired of a color, we can safely choose another one, maintaining the same kitchen! Not bad at all, satisfaction is guaranteed, as well as the happiness of your husband … try it!

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