House Cleaning

How to remove yellow stains from linoleum

Cleaning in the house is essential to give our guests a feeling of order. One of the elements of our home most subject to dirt and stains is undoubtedly the floor. Innumerable quantities of substances that can dirty it can pour into it. The latter can create halos and stains that are difficult to remove. In this guide, we will see specifically a particular type of floor, namely that of linoleum.

The surface made of synthetic fibers gets dirty more easily. So following a natural yellowing, but to remedy, there are fortunately several products, both industrial and natural. This guide lists some of them, illustrating their application techniques, ideal for removing annoying and unsightly yellow stains from linoleum. So let’s see how to remove yellow stains from the linoleum.

To remove stains from linoleum and the yellow ones, there are very effective stain removers on the market, often rich in chemical substances unsuitable for a domestic environment, as they are made with solvents and acids of various kinds. Setting aside the hypothesis of using them, here are some equally effective natural products.

The first product we can recommend to remove these yellow stains from a linoleum floor is undoubtedly ammonia. First, it must be diluted thirty percent in hot water, applied to the surface. Then it must be left on for at least twenty minutes. After this time, we pour a bag of sawdust on the floor, and with a broom, we sprinkle it, also absorbing the liquid. At the end, awash with freshwater allows us to obtain a clean and stain-free surface again.

Another very effective way to remove yellow stains is to use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. Ideal for degreasing and then dissolving the yellowish patina (vinegar), and at the same time for a slight abrasive action (bicarbonate). Must make the application abundantly on the surface. With a broom, you have to rub, and washing with neutral soap restores shine and cleanliness.

Finally, another product that is particularly effective for removing yellow stains is bleach, which can only use on completely white surfaces. The procedure involves diluting it in cold water, laying it on the floor with a rag, then after five minutes, it dries first (with a dry cloth), and then ends with a couple of washes with water and alcohol remove residues.

Note: Do not overdo the cleaning too much, you could damage the linoleum floor more.

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