House Cleaning

How to Remove the Stains from the Fabric Sofa

Furnishing the house according to your personal tastes and the right accessories gives great satisfaction and makes the environment you live in perfect and relaxing. The fabric sofas are wonderful and certainly easier to maintain than the leather ones. However, it may happen that, despite the attention and any coverings, they can get stained.

The odds are greatly increased if there are lively children in the house. Therefore, promptly removing it to prevent it from remaining on the fabric for life is the most appropriate solution, especially if it is not removable. Let’s find out together, step by step, how to proceed in detail.

Needed: Detergent, specific stain remover, bicarbonate and water, sponges, cloth brush, kitchen paper, hairdryer

To remove stains from the fabric sofa and effectively, you must intervene as soon as possible. In fact, if the stain is fresh, you have a better chance of removing it without too much effort. There are various methods of cleaning it, which vary depending on the quality of the fabric and what created the problem.

The first solution is to take out your sofa and wash everything in the washing machine, preferring the delicate program. If the affected area is huge, treat it directly with detergent before starting the wash. Next, scrub well with a fabric brush to remove all streaks.

If your sofa is not removable, you have to act differently. Lipstick, coffee, ink, and wine are tough stains to remove. In these cases, it is necessary to intervene with a specific dry stain remover. They are easily available in well-stocked supermarkets or hardware stores.

Clean the stains following the instructions for use. Don’t forget to dry with a sponge soaked in hot water. To dry the fabric of your sofa, first, dab it with kitchen paper, then finish the operation by sending hot air on the fabric with the hairdryer.

Finally, here is a third option. In a bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of water. Create a smooth and homogeneous-looking batter and spread it over the stain. Let the mixture rest for at least 10 minutes to act on the stain and weaken it.

Rub gently with a damp sponge. Next, remove the product from the sofa fabric and rinse thoroughly with a sponge soaked in hot water. Dry everything first by dabbing with a paper towel and then with the hot air of the hairdryer. If streaks occur, rinse again.

Note: If you are unable to remove the stain from your fabric sofa, take the upholstery to the laundry as soon as possible. Well, remove the product used from the fabric to avoid the formation of unsightly halos.

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