How to remove the Fishy Smell from the Freezer
Fish is delicious and usually never fails inside the freezer, so you can have it available as soon as you feel like it. However, if you also use to freeze fish, you will surely have seen the whole appliance fill up with an unpleasant odor linked to this food.
Let’s see together below some brief but useful tips on this straightforward and practical guide on how you can remove the smell of fish from the freezer.
The first thing to do is defrost the whole appliance so that cleaning can be as thorough as possible. To do this, it would be advisable to have another tool to temporarily put all the products unless you want to wait to finish all the foods there before cleaning it. Still, in many cases, the smell of fish becomes really annoying. Thereafter, you can opt for different cleaning methods.
Each of us will surely have a newspaper at home, and we may be amazed by its usefulness. It is necessary to crumple up some sheets and moisten them, placing them on the base and shelf. They are an optimal solution for all those who cannot empty the freezer. You have to arrange them and then place the food on top. Every day they need to be replaced until the stench disappears.
It must be placed inside some small containers and must place it in the freezer. Subsequently, you will notice the odor’s disappearance and the subsequent reduction of humidity inside the appliance. It is a functional and beneficial method that is always available at home.
Coffee beans
Coffee is known for its remarkable properties of capturing bad smells. It is used in perfumeries to eliminate the smell of different fragrances from the sense of smell. For example, you have to put some grains inside some containers and scatter them inside the freezer to see that the smell of fish will have completely disappeared after a while.
Lemon or vinegar
These are two natural elements that allow you to obtain a lasting and immediate effect. They need to be rubbed over the entire surface for a while and then rinsed off. In this way, it will be possible to neutralize odors and sanitize everything.