How to remove stains from fabrics with products we find at home
Often due to carelessness or distraction, we risk dirtying clothes and fabrics while we eat. Unfortunately, removing stains is not always easy, especially if they have been created with challenging foods to treat. In this guide, we will teach you how to remove stains from fabrics with products that we find at home to avoid spending a lot of money on expensive products and have the same result.
The first method to remove stains from fabrics with products that we find at home is to use laundry detergent: normal laundry detergent, if properly treated, allows you to eliminate any staining present on your fabrics, as long treated as soon as possible.
Then pour a little detergent, preferably liquid, on the stain and, using the garment’s fabric, rub it adequately to make the product penetrate inside. Then leave the detergent to act for about 10/15 minutes and proceed with washing by hand or in the washing machine.
The second method, to remove stains from fabrics with products that we find at home, is to use sodium bicarbonate: it is an element that should never be missing at home because it is beneficial for cleaning fabrics and furniture. But also for the cleaning of plant foods.
Create a mixture by mixing a tablespoon of baking soda and water: the consistency of the dough must be quite creamy. Then pour everything on the fabric and, with the help of a fabric sponge, rub it on the stain: also, in this case, you will have to let the baking soda act for about 10/15 minutes and then wash everything by hand in the washing machine.
The third method is to use sparkling water to remove stains from fabrics with products that we find at home. In fact, sparkling water has a compelling action on stains and can allow you to eliminate even halos quickly. Pour carbonated water onto a clean napkin or towel and gently scrub the stained fabric.
To perform even more action, you can also rub half a lemon on the stain. The sanitizing action of the lemon will help remove the stain. If you only use sparkling water, you can wash it later, while if you use lemon, proceed with the normal washing, by hand or in the washing machine, of the treated fabric.