House Cleaning

How to remove Smoke Stains from Walls

Although the walls painted with colored shades are fashionable, the classic ones painted in white always remain elegant and refined, at the same time giving brightness to the rooms. But the white color, as it is known, is very delicate and gets dirty easily, so even white walls are subject to being damaged by many harmful agents, including smoke.

In fact, with time, the smoke emanating from cigarettes or the possible presence of a fireplace or a wood stove cause unsightly and annoying grayish stains on the walls. This tutorial will explain how to intervene to remove smoke stains from the walls to eliminate them most correctly. It will be enough to use the right ingredients, and in no time, our walls will regain their primitive splendor.

Needed: Rubber gloves, Goggles, Cotton cloths, Sponge, Baking soda, Vinegar, Hot water, Bleach (optional).

Dilute the baking soda in hot water

Let’s start by protecting our hands and wearing gloves. Then, let’s proceed with the cleaning operations: an excellent remedy for smoke stains is baking soda diluted in hot water. Therefore, boil water in a saucepan and, as soon as the first bubbles form, add two heaping tablespoons of bicarbonate, stirring until it has dissolved completely.

If you want, you can also add some washing-up liquid, which will leave a nice scent on the wall. When the solution is ready, moisten a cloth and start, without haste and very gently, to rub the smoke stains from your walls.

If there are stubborn spots to disappear, take some bleach, wear goggles to protect your eyes from any accidental splashes, wet a dry cloth, and wipe over the hard-to-remove stains. Finally, wipe with a cloth moistened with warm water and let it dry.

Use white wine vinegar

A second very effective method is to use white wine vinegar. Boil some water and add about two glasses of vinegar, increasing the dose of the vinegar about the amount of water.

Then take a clean cotton cloth, soak it, dab, and rub, always lightly, the smoke stain on the wall. An alternative method may be adding hydrogen peroxide, salt, and bicarbonate to a bowl with lukewarm water.

Remove the stain gently with a dry cotton cloth

Let’s consider that when we quickly clean a stain on a wall and maybe it is filthy, we risk leaving an unpleasant halo. To avoid this problem, you must first remove the stain gently with a dry cotton cloth and then immediately wash the wall with a soft sponge moistened with a little water and Marseille soap.

When you are finished, always remember to open the windows of the newly cleaned room for a few minutes so that mold does not form and the walls can dry quickly, leaving a good smell of cleanliness in the whole environment.

Note: Smokers are advised to avoid smoking indoors.

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