House Cleaning

How to remove Paint Stains from Glasses

Dear readers, in this guide we will deal with the topic of eyewear. Going more specifically, we will take care of cleaning the glasses from paints of all kinds. We will ask ourselves this question and offer a satisfactory answer: how do you remove paint stains from glasses? Enjoy the reading.

To allow us to see or read perfectly, glasses must always be clean and shiny glasses. It often happens that between fingerprints, dust, and above all stains of paint used for our favorite hobbies, they get dirty. If they are not eliminated immediately, they risk becoming indelible.

Needed: White spirit, Benzol, Cotton wool, Ammonia and neutral soap, Abrasive paper, Electric cleaner, Abrasive paste, Buckskin cloth.

If the glasses are equipped with glass lenses, we can use cotton wool with a specific solvent for varnishes and paints, eliminating them without creating damage. You will have to pay close attention to the frame, acting delicately and not too vehemently. In fact, not following this advice, you could risk damaging the frame, discoloring it.

The best products are the classic white spirit, paints and water-based paints are concerned, or benzene-based solvent, if it is acrylic products. To eliminate the stains of markers or alcohol colors, the latter is essential to remove them without problems.

The greatest difficulties arise when we have glasses with plasticized lenses, for which we must not use solvents or even the aforementioned alcohol, as they could become opaque. To be restored, they then require brushing with special abrasive pastes and an emery wheel.

Moving on to the analysis regarding the type of lenses in question, it is clear that you will need to use more delicate products in their acidic components. For example, a possible choice that you can go to use could be ammonia. You will have to be very careful to mix it exactly with neutral soap. Make it emulsify in the affected area to remove the dirt without creating damage of any kind.

If the paint stains are particularly hostile and attempt to remove them, we have worsened the situation. By not using the right product, it is necessary to intervene by brushing. For this operation, it is necessary to use abrasive paper for medium-grained goldsmiths to eliminate the stain or the halo, then once the glasses take on a whitish patina.

They must be sanded with another thinner one (with three zeros) that eliminates it, applies the abrasive paste to polish, and acts with a cleaner connected to an electric motor. Having arrived at the end of the guide, I would like to recommend a reading supplement, an in-depth study on the subject.

Note: Dilute the ammonia well.

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