How to remove Mold from Silk
Stains are the worry of many housewives and more. Faced with these, it is easy to panic, but it is good to know that there is the right solution to remove them for each of them. It is sufficient to know the type and evaluate which surface it is present: wall, wood, leather, fabric, and so on. Among the most stubborn, we find those of mold.
On walls and some fabrics, we can eliminate them with the help of bleach or detergents based on these products. The situation is quite different when we have to treat delicate fabrics and colored garments. In this guide, we will deal specifically with how to remove mold from silk. Let’s see together, step by step, how to proceed most correctly, without damaging the clothing.
Many delicate fabrics can be effectively treated with perborate, with excellent results. Proceed as follows. Leave the stained garment for about eight hours immersed in warm water, then wash it and rinse it as you usually do. Spread it inside out and possibly in the shade.
If you want to use completely natural products, sprinkle the mold stain on the silk fabric with common coarse table salt, then squeeze lemon juice over it and leave it to act for about an hour. After the necessary time, wash the fabric traditionally with lukewarm water and detergent, then put it to dry, also in this case, turned inside out.
Finally, if the garments have not been properly stained, or if you want to try other systems, two other widely-used methods allow you to obtain good results: these are the use of baking soda and white vinegar.
As for the first, you should know that it is used on many fabrics, including silk. Proceed by gently rubbing the stain with warm water and bicarbonate, then perform the normal wash. After using it, you will find the colors of your garments revived and brighter.
As for white vinegar, you have to spray it directly on the stain and wait a few minutes: it will act as a stain remover, perfectly eliminating mold. In this case, proceed with washing using scented detergent and softener to eliminate the odor from the fabric.
With these four methods, you can solve your problem without fear of damaging the dress. You can also use them on objects covered in silk. Not being able to carry out a real washing, you will have to dab the chosen product and remove it gently with the help of a damp and soft cloth.