How to remove mold around windows
The appearance of mold around windows is a direct consequence of humidity, which can be generated by the presence of drafts due to drafts. This compromises the aesthetic appearance of the windows and poses a serious risk to human health.
Fortunately, by following a few simple steps, you can easily eliminate it and resolve the underlying cause. So let’s see how to remove mold around windows.
Examine the area
Begin the mold removal process by examining each spot where it has formed, especially the glass and window frames, to make removal easier; Furthermore, the fixtures’ internal surface must not be neglected: if mold has formed outside, it will probably be present in greater quantities also inside.
Clean the area
If the windows and fixtures are dry, start cleaning by wearing a mask and using a vacuum cleaner to remove any spores. This process must be done with the window open to allow mold particles to find an escape route immediately. Once you have finished this step, clean the vacuum cleaner hose with a cloth moistened with vinegar.
Instead, avoid using a vacuum cleaner if the windows are wet; in this case, wear a pair of protective gloves and use a cloth moistened with warm water to clean the glass and window frames. Only the excess mold must be removed without rubbing too much. The mold spores could penetrate the fixtures. Regularly rinse the cloth with clean water.
Remove the remaining mold.
Once the excess mold is removed, the full extent of the problem can be determined. The presence of mold is relatively minor. Spray a little white vinegar on the windows and let it act for a few minutes, then put a little baking soda on a clean cloth and wipe it on the affected area.
This will act as an abrasive, while the vinegar will kill the spores. If the problem is greater, dilute some fungicide in a bucket of water following the manufacturer’s instructions and use the solution to clean the glass and window frames.
Dry the surface
After the mold is completely removed, wipe the surface thoroughly with a dry cloth and inspect it again to ensure there is no mold. If so, repeat the cleaning process. To prevent mold from recurring, moisture, and condensation must be prevented; this can be achieved by keeping the surrounding area ventilated and by performing regular cleaning.