How to remove Marker Stains

It happens to everyone at least once in their life to accidentally stain themselves with a marker. More frequently, it happens to those who have to deal with children. Although the inks of some of these tools are indelible, which is permanent for a very long time on the surface on which they are applied, there are certainly ways to remove the marker stains without damaging the garments too much.

If you are curious about what these remedies consist of, keep reading the next steps. It should note that marker stains are tough to remove, especially from delicate items, whether simple or indelible. It is challenging but not impossible. Let’s see together how to do it in the best possible ways.

Needed: Denatured alcohol, Acetone, Cotton wool, Specific product for stains.

A first remedy is to use a specific product to remove stubborn stains available in household product stores. Follow the instructions on the package to use the product, which generally must be applied directly on the stain, with the addition of water if the product is a powder.

Let it sit for some time. After at least half an hour, evaluate if the stain has gone away or if the product must remain in action for longer. Then rinse the garment by hand or wash it in the washing machine.

Usually, these specific products do not weaken the fabric’s fibers, but it is always better to check first on a hidden part of the garment. Please pay attention to the product you buy, reading the label carefully, as some of them are specific to remove only certain colors of the marker.

If you are not inclined to purchase specific products, there are home remedies that can prove to be quite effective but often do not guarantee the integrity of the fabric.

One of these is denatured alcohol, which is usually used to disinfect. Apply the product directly to the stain and dab with a cotton swab until the stain begins to fade. Do not leave the denatured alcohol in action on the garment for too long, as the ink could dilute and form a halo in the treated area.

Almost immediately wash the fabric with water and detergent, checking that the stain has been removed. An alternative to alcohol is nail acetone, to be applied directly to the stain and rubbed with a sheet of absorbent paper.

Note: Do not leave the denatured alcohol in action on the garment for too long, as the ink could dilute and form a halo in the treated area.
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