House Cleaning

How to remove hair dye from walls

It often happens that when dyeing the hair, a few drops of the product splash on the tiles and walls of the bathroom, and in the first case, can clean the glazed surface with hot water and a sponge.

Conversely, on concrete, the operation is a little more complex but not impossible. Moreover, it only requires the use of some products that are easily available at home. In that regard, here is a guide with some tips on how to remove hair dye from the walls.

Needed: Alcohol, wadding, talc, plasticine

Use alcohol

An excellent first remedy to remove hair dye from the walls is to use alcohol. Specifically, it involves pouring a few drops on a cotton ball and then emulsifying the stained area with the latter, gradually replacing it with another one, always wet in alcohol until it is spotless. In the end, to optimize the result and eliminate any halo, you can use a very fineĀ grain mote.

Use baking soda

Another very effective remedy to permanently eliminateĀ the hair dye on the bathroom wall surface is to use baking soda on a slightly damp white cloth and rub it on the affected area using circular movements. In this way, it is possible to eliminate the color thanks to the light and effective abrasive action of the granules of which the bicarbonate is composed.

Once the job is complete, wipe the part with a cotton cloth soaked in water, and the stained wall returns as white as it originally was. If the color is not of this shade, and you notice that some halo is left, the advice is to use plasticine.

Opt for talcum powder

If the dye has caused a conspicuous stain on the wall’s surface and rather unsightly, it is worth opting for talcum powder to remedy the situation. This substance is particularly suitable for a white finish. Its granules’ abrasive action does not create streaks but uniformly consumes the layer of paint that has accidentally become soiled with hair dye.

The further rabbit uses a cloth swab with cotton wool inside and to lightly wet the surface by then acting with circular movements to optimize the result. At the end of the work, you can see that the stain has completely disappeared and that the wall’s color has returned uniform again and without any halo.

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