How to Make a Dusting Spray

At home, there is never a shortage of cleaning products. Usually, one has one for every occasion, for floors, for the bathroom, for the kitchen and dishes, or shiny or wooden furniture. These cleaners can be more or less expensive, depending on the brand. Some are excellent and others a little less.

However, many do not know that everyone can, with extreme ease, prepare these strange mixtures in a simple, economical, effective, and last but not least ecological way, as it will avoid dispersing harmful and polluting substances into the environment. Here are some procedures that will explain how to prepare a dusting spray.

Needed: Sprayer, funnel, graduated container, water, lemons, sodium bicarbonate, Marseille soap in flakes, soft cloth.

So first, you will have to recover the ingredients used for the preparation of the spray, but do not worry because many of them already have them, and indeed they are commonly used in everyone’s homes.

We are talking about lemons, super-powerful degreasers, so much so that to eliminate the stench of fish from pots and plates, you use half a lemon to pass over them; we refer to sodium bicarbonate, often used as a digestive: it is an excellent whitener, how many have not used it to whiten their teeth?

Still, you could use the simple Marseille soap, which, compared to the super eco-doses of modern times, will seem just inadequate, but in reality, grandma’s soap is always the best.

But now it’s time to move on to the preparation: first of all, you will need some practical tools, that is a sprayer (it will not be necessary to buy it but you can reuse one of those of the freshly finished artificial detergents, or one of those that often use on the beaches to cool off from the sun).

Then you will need a graduated container and a funnel. At this point, you can proceed with the preparation. Just fill a container with 500 ml of water, and then through the funnel, you will have to pour it into the sprayer’s container. To this, you can add different compounds.

If you want to use lemon, you can add the juice of two lemons to the water, plus 10 ml of dish soap; if you prefer to use Marseille soap, you can throw some of it, boil it with a little water until it dissolves and then add it to the spray.

Or you can add 25 gr of sodium bicarbonate to the water: to the latter, you can add essential drops of lemon or oranges to perfume since the bicarbonate is odorless. Finally, it is advisable to use a soft cloth to spray the product and then start dusting the furniture.

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