How to grow chilli
Do you love chili? Do not know how to live without her taste spicy and tasty? You do well: the chili is not only good but also has valuable qualities that are good for our health, especially if it is eaten fresh (it is also much good and spicy …). And then her beautiful red color gives the joy to see it.
So what to expect to plant a bit in a jar to keep on the balcony next to the basil? So you have two ingredients for a perfect tomato sauce always fresh and always available.
Tips for growing chilis
- The best seeds are those that come from the plant near or aunt. But if no one among friends and acquaintances have a green thumb, ask for seeds from the supermarket (you sow, you do not eat!).
- The plant chili is quite robust and does not require great care, but it tends to get very big, so choose a suitable vessel.
- The seed should be planted about one cm deep, and then the vase to be gently washed (not drowned) in the edges.
- After 15-20 days, we will win the seedling. Do not expect miracles, though: it will take time and a lot of suns to see the first sprout chilisĀ (mind never to let the soil dry out).
- With a little water and care, you will have a great ” harvest ” and give a new meaning to the words ” oil, garlic, and chili. “