House Cleaning

How to get rid of the stench from clothes

If we notice that the clothes in the closet give off a closed smell, we must intervene with appropriate methods to eliminate the inconvenience. To prevent the problem from happening again, important strategies should be adopted. In this regard, here is a guide with some tips on how to get rid of the stench from clothes.

Needed: Cellophane, Essential oils, Wadding.

Ventilate the cabinet often

A way that is certainly simple but also functional, to avoid that the clothes in a wardrobe can emanate a bad smell, is to air the structure often, perhaps leaving the doors open at night or during the day-after routine cleaning. In this way, the air circulates inside the wardrobe, preventing any humidity present in the environment from generating a bad smell on the clothes.

Protect clothes with cellophane

Of fundamental importance to avoid that the clothes can give off a bad smell is to store them in the closet dry. To not wear them in this state after a long period of storage indoors, it is advisable to protect them in their entirety, such as a jacket and trousers with cellophane. The same can be useful for packing summer clothes in winter, and vice versa when in summer, the same thing is done with heavy clothes.

The ideal would be to buy a special machine to create a vacuum. Among other things, the latter also allows you to maximize space, taking into account that, for example, a duvet subjected to treatment takes up about a third of spaceless. Returning to the cellophane cover on clothes, to optimize the result, it is advisable to hang on the hanger a canvas bag with dried flowers inside or a cotton ball with a few drops of lavender essential oil.

Perfume the wardrobe

As already mentioned in the previous step of this guide, to compensate for the bad smell that can emanate from clothes kept in a closed place such as a wardrobe or the appropriate boxes, it is advisable to use some natural products to maximize the result. In this case, essential oils such as lavender are ideal for solving the problem.

In addition to being very fragrant, it is also an excellent antibacterial ideal for keeping away bugs or moths, and at the same time, it serves to prevent the onset of dust mites. In all cases, these perfumed essences, including jasmine, roses, or citrus fruits, should be appropriately placed in a bag on cotton wool, or buy some soaps with the same fragrance.

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