How to get rid of the Smell of Burning from the Microwave

Who among you has never happened to get distracted for a moment and let a meal burn in the microwave? In fact, it can happen to leave a dish in the microwave oven for too long and burn it completely, leaving a bad smell that is difficult to get rid of.

However, there are some beneficial and natural remedies to remedy this problem, and in this guide, we will explain just how to eliminate the smell of burning.

Needed: Vinegar, baking soda, water, lemon, degreaser, dish soap, damp cloth, dry cloth.

First of all, you will have to clean the microwave’s entire interior, including above the turntable and below. You can also try putting a bowl of water and lemon in the oven, turn on the oven and create steam that you will then have to dry with a cloth soaked in a pinch of degreaser.

Always be careful never to put metal objects inside the microwave oven that can cause various complications. Also, avoid using toxic or flammable detergents harmful to health when you clean the microwave, as their particles could get into the next foods you will heat. With these little tips, the stench will go away immediately.

Also, while cooking food or reheating a cold soup, a part of it can be accidentally spilled on the microwave turntable, causing a terrible smell of burning that permeates the entire surface of the oven. If you do not clean your microwave immediately, the subsequent dishes you reheat will run the risk of absorbing the smell of burning and losing their flavor. Therefore, it is recommended to be prompt in cleaning and removing bad odors.

Finally, the first useful remedy to remove the stench of burning is to wipe a damp cloth soaked in dish soap over all the walls of your microwave. Then, add on the parts moistened with the cloth, the very common bicarbonate to absorb the bad smell totally.

Bicarbonate has the ability to eliminate any stench from all types of appliances and is really very effective. You can also try putting a pinch of vinegar on a cotton ball and rub it all over the oven. Vinegar also has a great ability to remove unpleasant odors from ovens, refrigerators, and washing machines. Of course, you will need to let both the baking soda and the vinegar sit overnight for satisfactory results.

Note: Always dry the oven well before using it again.
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