How to get rid of the burning smell from home

When you work in the kitchen and are busy with several preparations, it can happen to overcook the dishes due to forgetfulness, timing error, or overload of chores. This involves releasing a strong, acrid, and persistent odor impregnated on the walls and the various furniture in the room. As if that were not enough, it continues to hover through the other rooms and corridors.

It is often accompanied by smoke, but it is easier to eliminate it by simply opening the windows and circulating the air. In this guide, we will discuss in detail how to eliminate the smell of burning from home.

Let’s see together, step by step, what solutions to use to meet this problem, to solve it quickly and in the best way with easily available and completely natural products.

Needed: Lemon, Vinegar, Steamer, Microfibre cloth, water.

Open windows

In case of smoke and bad smell, the first solution to us spontaneously is to open the room’s windows to let them escape. The best action to take is to create feedback of air inside the habitat, opening all the house windows simultaneously: this will allow them to be eliminated more quickly.

If opening turns out to be a problem, or despite all the bad smell persists, let’s help ourselves with the hood’s suction fan and put into practice a completely natural lemon-based remedy.

Prepare the solutions

Fill a pot halfway with water and bring it to a boil. Meanwhile, cut a lemon in half and extract the juice with the help of a citrus squeezer. Then pour it into the saucepan over the heat and let it all evaporate for a few minutes.

To have a greater incidence and fragrance, we also immerse the squeezed lemons’ external parts: in this way, the peel will release the essential oils contained in it, and the fragrance will be stronger. Finally, we turn off the flame and let the citrus smell take the place of the burnt one.

Use Vinegar

Another remedy involves the use of vinegar. Let’s proceed by putting a pan three-quarters full of water on the stove and pour a glass of acidic liquid into it. Bring to a boil, let the mixture cook for at least five minutes, and then turn off the heat. Next, we proceed for the lemon, letting the vapors come from the pot release into the air.

If it has cooled, we still smell a burning smell, re-light the flame, and repeat the operation just described. We must not forget that vinegar has a powerful smell, and not everyone tolerates it, so to avoid feeling a strong sense of nausea, we open the kitchen windows well to allow the air to change.

Use a Steam Cleaner

Finally, to eliminate the smell that has soaked up the walls, we can use a steamer. We direct the jet directly on the wall without insisting too much, keeping a distance of at least 30 centimeters, and gently remove the steam with a dry and soft cloth, preferably in microfibre. Again, we work quickly to avoid the formation of unpleasant halos.

Let’s also pass it on the glass windows, curtains, doors, and furniture, as long as they are not delicate. To improve the rooms’ scent, it is possible to pour drops of essential oils into the machine’s boiler to release them together with the steam into the air, giving a pleasant fragrance to all rooms of the house.

  • We open all the rooms’ windows to create feedback and make the bad smell go out more easily.
  • We pass the steam cleaner on all possible surfaces to eliminate the residuals of unpleasant odors. Also, to improve the fragrance of the rooms.
  • It is possible to pour drops of essential oils inside the machine boiler and vaporize them in the air in all house rooms.
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