How to get rid of stains when we are away from home
Very often, when you are away from home, you get your clothes dirty. Several factors can cause spots. In any case, this can lead to serious discomfort, considering that most of the time, you don’t know how to deal with this small emergency. In this guide, we will have the opportunity to observe how to act in these cases.
Know right from the start that it is not easy to remove stains when you are away from home, but you can run to ” buffer ” remedies, which will then somehow have to be completed with further treatments at home. Among the most difficult stains to remove outside the home.
There are certainly coffee, tomato (and oil), chocolate, lipstick, and blood. Coffee can be a sworn enemy of light-colored clothing because it is a stain that quickly infiltrates the fabric and tends to dry out.
Whether you are at the bar or restaurant, ask for a bottle of sparkling water and a paper or cloth napkin right away. Wet the affected area and dab without rubbing too much, and quickly run to the bathroom, where you will find a hot air dispenser, under which you can dry the stained garment.
When you return home, pour a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, let it act for a few minutes so that the stain disappears completely, and rinse with a normal wash.
While you are eating pizza or a plate of pasta with tomato sauce, it will have happened to you that a drop can ruin your meal with a clearly visible stain. You must consider that tomatoes also contain a certain amount of oil, so you have to deal with the two types of stains with a single solution.
The tomato is mainly composed of water, while the oil tends to spread due to the fat component. Ask now for some talcum powder, which is always available in these places, to counteract this type of stain. Let it act for a few minutes so that it absorbs both the water and the oil.
Children outside the home can get chocolate stains on their clothes, and if the stain has just been made, just ice while, if a few hours have passed, it takes to water and baking soda. Children also happen to blanch their knees or elbows and get stains on their clothes. Also, in this case, just a carbonated drink poured into a glass in which to dip the part to be stained. At this point, all I have to do is wish you good work.