House Cleaning

How to get rid of Limescale in the Bathroom

The bathroom is certainly one of the rooms in the house that is most affected by limestone. This is caused by running water, which brings with it more or less substantial quantities of limestone; if you do not intervene immediately to remove it.

It is possible to encounter the formation of encrustations that are difficult to remove. In this regard, I will show you how to eliminate limescale in complete safety in the following guide. So let’s see how to proceed.

Needed: Latex gloves, sponge, vinegar, baking soda, old newspapers.

First of all, specific products are available on the market, which restores the original shine to the surfaces when used regularly. Some of these products are of chemical composition, and in the long run, they can irreparably damage the bathroom elements. The first solution to have a shiny bathroom is to clean and dry the surfaces immediately after use, but if you do not have enough time to dedicate daily to cleaning, there are home remedies that can come to your rescue.

The first is undoubtedly vinegar, which can dissolve the most stubborn limestone deposits with its characteristic sanitizing and corrosive power. Then make a solution consisting of one part of warm water and one part of vinegar, and with the help of a sponge, rub the parts encrusted with limestone, insisting on the points of greatest limestone concentration.

Afterward, rinse the sponge often and soak it in the solution, rubbing the surfaces until the encrustation is eliminated. When you are sure you have removed the bulk, pass the sponge over the entire ceramic surface to be sure that you have thoroughly cleaned each part.

To remove limescale from glass surfaces, i.e., shower doors and mirrors, use a common glass product to spray all over the surface. Crumple old newspaper sheets that you will use as a cloth to rub vigorously on the surfaces until they appear shiny.

Replace the newspaper when it is too wet to continue. If you prefer, for glass and the like, you can use a wiper blade or a synthetic chamois leather cloth. In conclusion, by following these useful and simple steps, you will be able to remove all sorts of limescale residues from your bathroom, definitely giving it new life. Good job!

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