Some crafty people use a bench, the subway seat, a step as a waste bin in public places. They attack the chewing gum on the surfaces, and the infirm suffer the consequences! Removing an annoying butt from tissues is not extremely easy, especially for newbies.
The experience may prove to be nearly impossible. It could damage a nice skirt, new clothes, trousers or jeans. Specific products sometimes do not guarantee an optimal result. Residues or unsightly halos may remain. Therefore, proceed with some straightforward and unusual remedies based on steam and ice.
To effectively remove chewing gum from clothes, wash the clothes as usual. Leave to dry without wringing. In this way, the butt will not expand all over the place. Next, place the clothes in a classic clear plastic food-safe bag. The part with the rubber must remain clearly visible.
Place in the freezer and leave to freeze. At this point, remove from the freezer and bag. Therefore, be patient and use eyebrow tweezers to pull all the rubber. Alternatively, scrape it with a knife. To remedy the freezer with ice cubes. Press them on your clothes for a few minutes and proceed as before.
As a second option, use the iron. A further remedy is much more effective, simple and intuitive than the previous one. Therefore, get a clean piece of cloth. Arrange the clothes on the ironing board with the chewing gum facing up. Cover with the fabric and pass the hot iron over it several times.
Disable the steam release option in advance. The chewing gum will slowly detach from the garments and stick to the fabric. The latter will be unusable throw it away. At the end of the procedure, a halo will form. Touch with your finger. If it leaves residues, repeat the operation with another clean cloth. Proceed until completely removed.
To simplify the previous operation, replace the fabric with cardboard. Therefore, rest the rubber on its surface and pass the iron. Another good alternative is to soak your clothes in hot water.
Clearly, the fibers will have to lend themselves to this wash. Next, remove the gum with a toothbrush or knife while the clothes are soaked. Then, wash the clothes in the washing machine or by hand one last time.