How to Disinfect the House from Bedbugs
The house can often be invaded by bedbugs of different types, which can develop and nest inside your home due to various reasons and can lay their eggs anywhere. The bedbugs can be the classic famous green bedbugs or those that settle in the beds called bed bugs.
In both cases, it is advisable to disinfect your home from these animals that often can be annoying, and that is why in this short guide, we will try to show you how to disinfect your home from these disgusting insects in the most appropriate way.
Both in the case of green bedbugs and bed bugs, it is advisable to opt for solutions that can keep these insects away from your home. If it is the classic green bedbugs, you should be careful to disinfect the outside area of your house well, such as terraces and balconies.
Green bedbugs are attracted to plants, and they often feed on sprouts, vegetables, and fruit. If you want to disinfect your home from these green bedbugs, you will first have to disinfect all your plants, eliminating all traces of eggs that are often deposited on the plants’ shoots. You can create a sort of homemade spray based on water and tobacco or warm Marseille soap water to spray on the balcony of your home.
Check the green bedbugs’ presence on the curtains of the house or behind the baseboards and eventually eliminate all the eggs using the same natural spray. If it comes to bed bugs, you will first need to check for eggs using a magnifying glass.
Once you have ascertained bedbugs and eggs’ presence, you will have to remove all the blankets and mattress covers and wash them inside the washing machine at maximum temperature. You will also need to put your mattress on the balcony and let it ” breathe ” for at least 24 hours. Pass the vacuum cleaner on all corners of your bed (if you have a fabric bed) or have a wooden bed, clean it with tea tree oil.
Vacuum the whole house to remove all traces and any presence of bedbugs. Concentrate on the rugs, the holes in the wall, and under the wallpaper. If necessary, you will also have to spray insecticides in such a way as to eliminate the presence of bedbugs permanently.