How to cure the primroses
Primroses are among the first flowers to peep in the fields, still amid the gray winter. In nature, usually, are yellow and are found in the meadows not directly exposed to the sun or in the woods’ shade.
Please resist the temptation to bring home as a souvenir of an outing: first, it is forbidden; second, contrary to what you may believe, it is very complex to flourish on the balcony of the city plants torn to wildlife.
Someone even said that ” get sick of melancholy, “which is perhaps exaggerated, but not too far from reality (imagine having abandoned wonderful bucolic landscapes. And find yourself in a narrow place, full of smog and a bleak landscape in front of you, whether it be of another building, a parking lot, or a camping place for collection of waste.
Instead, ask the florist, the seedlings that will provide you will be suitable for life ” home ” (or ” balcony ” ) and with some small measure not only sprout every year, but I rejoice with beautiful flowering for many, many months.
Tips to cure the primroses.
- The ideal soil is the simplest: a simple soil from the balcony is more than suitable, as long as it is well-drained (fill the bottom of the jar of pebbles before putting the soil).
- The ideal exposure is in the shade, exposed to light but not to the sun’s direct rays.
- Primroses need moist soil, so it is advisable to bathe them littleĀ and often. The ideal is in the morning before going to work and at night before going to bed (if it rains, of course, you are exempt).
- The primrose can stand the cold and does not die in winter: do not be fooled by leaves and flowers that dry. The root is alive: Keep the vase sheltered and, at the end of February, removed the dead leaves. You will see the sprout new shoots.
- If you find that you create new tiny flowers, and the leaves begin to resemble the leaves of romaine lettuce, it means that the pot is too small. Give them more space, watered regularly, and you will see that without great difficulty or need for fertilization also flourish until October.
- Be careful not to wet leaves and flowers when you water: may cause the onset of gray mold, especially if you live in a humid climate.