How to clean tile joints in the shower
Whatever the type of tile, it is inevitable that dust is deposited inside the joints in the long run, which does not go by simply passing the cloth when cleaning the tiles. The most difficult to clean are those of the bathroom and even more those of the shower because, in a humid environment such as the bathroom, the formation of mold is easy.
And so it is that the tile joints are blackening day after day. There is a solution to every problem, and this guide can remedy your problem. In shops and supermarkets, many specific detergents and disinfectants for tiles are sold. Still, sometimes they go to opacify the surface of the same or corrode them, and they are so aggressive that you would better avoid them.
Rather it is better to prefer to do-it-yourself solutions with everyday products, easily available at home but above all cheap. You can read below how to clean the tiles’ joints in the shower to remove both the easy and the most encrusted dirt, and finally, a method will be suggested to prevent the formation of that hateful mold.
To remove light dirt.
The first natural agent used to clean the tile joints in the shower is sodium bicarbonate. The latter is your ally in cleaning because it has an excellent whitening and disinfectant power.
Simply mix a few tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl with warm water and then use the solution by soaking a sponge to pass on the tiles to be cleaned.
Bicarbonate can also be replaced by 130-volume hydrogen peroxide or by white wine vinegar. The latter is very suitable for a humid environment such as the bathroom for its properties that act as anti-scale and anti-mold.
To remove the toughest dirt.
If you find yourself struggling with stubborn dirt, you can clean the tile joints in the shower using potato starch. All you have to do is create a kind of cream with three tablespoons of starch and a glass of hydrogen peroxide.
At this point, you will have to rub the cream obtained directly into the joints with the help of a small sponge or an old toothbrush. Leave for an hour and then rinse the tiles with another solution made with warm water, floor cleaner, and vinegar.
To prevent mold
After cleaning the tile joints in the shower, it is possible to avoid mold formation by periodically using a solution made with two parts of water and a part of bleach to be sprayed directly on the tile joints.
If you always prefer a natural product, you can pass wax in the joints, thus creating a sort of protective patina that prevents blackening.