House Cleaning

How to Clean the Paint from the Floor

Despite the use of cloths specially prepared for housework such as painting some walls, removing the residual paint from the floor can be a job that requires enough time and a lot of patience. In this regard, I will very carefully explain how to clean the paint from the floor quickly and easily in this guide. So let’s see how to proceed.

Needed: Broom, Spatula or brush, Paint stripper, Exfoliating paint, Wire brush or scraper, Pressure washer, Absorbent paint stripper, Methylene chloride stripper, Paint thinner, Hard plastic spatula, Abrasive powders, Water, Sprayer or baking soda.

First of all, the first operation to be carried out is to prepare the surface by cleaning it from dirt and any debris; use a broom, remove the soft paint with a spatula or brush. Next, apply a paint stripper to the floor and use exfoliating paint designed for removing oil-based paints.

Let the paint stripper act according to the manufacturer’s instructions, printed on the can label. Once this is done, use a wire brush or scraper to remove the loose paint; it is possible to use a hydro-cleaner for external floors, even if a second or third application of the paint stripper is necessary.

Next, use a pressure washer to remove the paint stripper residue. For stubborn paint stains, use an absorbent paint stripper. If you are working on an outdoor floor in a well-ventilated area, employ a stripper with methylene chloride, as it makes the process much faster.

Add paint thinner to the applied paint stripper, scrape the floor surface with a hard plastic trowel. Add a second layer of paint stripper if the paint is still present and repeat the process.

At this point, use a metal brush, abrasive powders, and water to scrub the stripped surface, removing excess paint particles. If the paint covers a large area, it is necessary to use a sprayer and baking soda as an abrasive agent. Work very slowly and keep the sprayer about 8 cm away from the ground. Then, move the nozzle evenly throughout the area to be treated.

Always take proper precautions by wearing protective clothing. In conclusion, by following these simple and useful steps, you will be sure to remove the annoying paint stains deposited on your floor completely. Good job!

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