How to Clean the Floor from Concrete
When you start home renovations, especially masonry ones, the first thing to do is to protect furniture, furnishings, and floors from paint, dust, and splashes of any kind. Sometimes, despite the efforts, when the works are finished, there are spots everywhere. In this tutorial, useful tips are given on how to clean the floor from concrete.
Before starting work, it is worth considering the type of floor. For example, the same cleaning procedure cannot be used for marble and granite. The latter can be damaged by stains and halos that remain after too aggressive cleaning. Furthermore, to decide how and how to clean the surface, it is necessary to evaluate the concrete drops’ state. They can still be quite fresh or already hardened.
If the stains are fresh, you must initially use a rag to remove the softer part. Subsequently, should use a solution consisting of vinegar, lemon juice, and water. It is necessary to rub the damaged part with a sponge. While if the concrete has solidified, you need to soak some cotton in a cup of oil and put it on the floor.
It should be left on the stain for about 20 minutes to let it act, then a sponge moistened with the mixture of vinegar, lemon, and water is passed. If the oil cannot absorb the cement, it is necessary to gently scrape the affected part with a scraper wet with hot water (this precaution avoids scratching the tiles) and wash with water and ammonia or with a degreaser.
If the floors are old enough, it is recommended to use muriatic acid. First, the latter must be poured on the cement stain (it is essential to wear gloves and a mask). Then you have to pour over some sawdust, leave it to act for a few minutes, and scrub with a brush. Finally, the treatment must be completed by washing the floor with a wet rag, using a degreaser.
Suppose the floor is delicate, such as marble or parquet, Marseille soap before using the solution containing vinegar. Then you need to pour a few flakes into a glass of water, add a tablespoon of baking soda, mix and wipe the stain with a sponge. Should use a damp cloth to finish the job.