House Cleaning

How to clean the Crepe Pan

Crepes are a typically French dessert, excellent and tasty but also very easy to make. They are an excellent base for both sweet and savory condiments. If you want to have a tasty snack or a light dinner, then the crêpes are for you.

To cook this dish, you can use a simple non-stick pan. After cooking your crepes, you will need to clean the pancake pan. This appliance must be thoroughly and thoroughly cleaned to avoid its damage. Let’s see together, step by step, how to clean the crepe pan.

Needed: Water and neutral detergent. Sponge or spatula. Abrasive stone.

Keeping the crepe pan clean is essential, not only for a matter of hygiene but also for always obtaining optimal results. Of course, to proceed with the normal cleaning operations, you will have to unplug from the power to avoid any consequence for those who will have to clean.

Every part of the appliance needs care, especially if it comes into direct contact with the food product. To be able to clean at best, all you need is a sponge and neutral detergent. If you want to clean the crepe pan when it is still hot or lukewarm, it is essential to use suitable spatulas and not pour liquids on its surface to avoid the generation of incandescent splashes.

When cleaning while hot, which is not recommended, you should not touch the instrument’s surface for any reason. Usually, this type’s operation is carried out when there is not much time to wait for everything to cool.

The one analyzed so far is ordinary cleaning. As for the extraordinary one, it must be done using an abrasive stone. It must be rubbed on the surface until you notice a scratched and clean plate. Subsequently, it must be cleaned with a cloth or paper. When all residues are removed, lubrication with oil is required.

After thoroughly cleaning with the abrasive stone, the crepe pan cannot be immediately reused for edible crepes. It would help if you first cooked a couple of them for testing and to remove any cleaning residue on the plate. After having thrown them away, you can proceed to the usual cooking of this food. This is a type of operation that must be carried out a maximum of once a month.

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