How to Clean the Black Glass Hob

Black tempered glass can be considered a rather safe material since following a possible break, it will tend to fragment into small pieces. So the danger is reduced compared to normal glass. From a thermal point of view, this glass type is 4 times more resistant than common glass with the same configuration and thickness.

This kind of glass is used in many fields and sectors. In this specific guide, we will focus on a specific field: the kitchen since this glass is also used as a hob. The purpose of this guide is to see how you can clean the black glass hob.

This guide is for informational purposes only. To avoid possible damage to your black glass hob, I advise you to read the instructions attached during the purchase or ask the producers for further clarification.

Needed: Suede leather, A microfibre cloth, Detergent for glass or dishes, White vinegar, Water, A sponge.

If we have just used the hob, it is necessary to let it cool down before cleaning the procedure. The hob’s tempered glass is an excellent heat conductor, so before handling it, we wait a few minutes to avoid possible burns.

Once our black glass is cold, we can pass a non-abrasive sponge, perhaps moistened with warm water, to remove all the dirt. Then we can use the help of a microfibre cloth moistened with white vinegar and water to eliminate any possible trace of dirt. We repeat the procedure if necessary.

We can also use a simple dish or glass cleaner, only if it is not too aggressive. The use of acid products can damage our black glass hob. We verify that the product we will use is neutral or basic. We do not use flammable substances for obvious safety reasons.

Once the hob has been washed, as described in the previous steps, let it dry. If there is a need to use it quickly, we can consider the idea of drying it manually with a chamois leather to avoid the formation of any spots due to drops of water. The chamois leather is effective in drying wet surfaces.

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