House Cleaning

How to Clean and Remove Stains from Umbrellas

With the arrival of winter, warm clothes, blankets, quilts, boots, and an object that often goes unnoticed in the house until a rainy day are taken back from the dear old wardrobe: the umbrella. A good umbrella costs a lot, but it’s worth it because these can last for years and years if handled correctly.

I will show you how to clean and remove stains from umbrellas in great detail in the following guide. So let’s see how to proceed.

Needed: Detergent soap, Water, A few drops of Ammonia, Absorbent paper, Dish detergent, Sponge, Bleach.

After a certain period of time, almost certainly, gray or brown spots tend to form in the umbrella’s folds, visible both when the latter is closed and open. Most of these stains are due to the rust that very often forms on the internal metal rods.

Another small detail that should not be underestimated is the strap used to keep the umbrella closed, whose dirt is due to sweat from the hands. For this reason, the strap is not difficult to remove stains: treat it with a little detergent soap that you use for washing dishes and rinse it with water.

Later, to remove the rust stains on the canvas, all you have to do is fill the bathtub with 20 centimeters of warm water and pour a few ammonia drops. Next, immerse the umbrella in the tub and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes.

Once this is done, empty the tub and rinse the umbrella with the shower arm, first with hot water and then with cold water, then dry the umbrella with absorbent paper, focusing more on the metal rods, and then leave it open in the tub until it dries completely. If it comes to bright colors, avoid using ammonia.

The alternative to ammonia is a mixture of hot water and dish soap, which is always a good method, especially when you don’t know which product to use to clean anything. Then rub the colored areas with a sponge, then rinse with warm water and let dry.

If, on the other hand, the umbrella is white in color, it is advisable to use bleach if the stains are difficult to go away from the fabric. In conclusion, by following these useful and simple steps, you will be able to clean and store your umbrellas correctly in no time. Good job!

Note: To avoid the formation of stains, it is essential always to keep the umbrella dry, as humidity can damage the fabric and corrode the metal rods, as well as the opening and closing device.

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