How to Clean an Iron Door

The iron doors of our house need constant maintenance and care, especially if it has been with us for several years since, due to the bad weather to which it could be exposed, it could cause ugly rust stains. It is good not to postpone such an operation for too long or, sooner or later.

You will have to change and buy back the entire frame. The work to do is quite simple, perhaps a little tiring, but the commitment and patience will pay off with excellent results! Let’s see together how to clean an iron door.

Needed: Iron paint with rust inhibitor included, drill with a steel brush tip, steel wool, air compressor, broom, newspaper.

The first step is undoubtedly to disassemble it: lift it upwards or unscrew the pins that support it – if you notice that they are rusty or otherwise hard to move, brush a little oil and try again.

Then place the doors on two trestles or a table. The important thing is that it remains in a straight and stable position.

Arm yourself with a drill equipped with a steel brush, and you will need to remove all rust and paint residues. In the most difficult areas, such as corners, you can act directly with manual work, using steel wool. Obviously, work on both sides and the edges.

Take care to clean everything carefully: remove the dust with a broom and an air compressor without neglecting any area.

The next step will be painting: take paint of the color you prefer. The important thing is that it contains a good rust inhibitor. With a brush or a professional gun, spread the product evenly. It is advisable to protect the floor with paper to absorb the drops of paint that fall at this stage.

The paint should dry within 24 hours. Choose to place your door in an airy but covered and possibly clean place, avoid too dusty environments. Once one part has dried, repeat the process for the other side. I

t is important not to be in a hurry to pass the coats of color. The intervals serve to avoid the onset of lumps and bubbles. Furthermore, it would be even better not to paint inside the house: the acid smells would make the air unbreathable, and you would risk getting too dirty.

When all the facades are dry, all you have to do is reassemble the piece and remember to take care of it more often. With cleaning and protective varnishes, give it some varnishes. The art of do-it-yourself, as always, pays off your efforts!

Note: Do not paint indoors or in small, enclosed places.
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