House Cleaning

How to clean a veneered door

During cleaning, the veneered doors must be treated so as always to keep the original finish. The best way to do this is to use a wax finish as it is effortless to apply.

Before you start, make sure the door surface is clean and dry. Here’s how to clean a veneered door.

Needed: Veneer wax, white vinegar, clothes of various kinds.

Clean the surface with a cotton cloth; if the door is filthy, you can use a cloth moistened with water with the addition of a small amount of vinegar (but make sure it is very diluted). This will remove any trace of dirt and dust accumulated during the restoration. Try using a soft bristle brush or even a toothbrush to get rid of the dust in the corners.

The veneer wax will act as the main cleaner, as it will eliminate grease and dirt. The biggest mistake when applying wax is to use an overdose at once; this makes final door polishing difficult, which, if not properly polished, will attract a lot of dust and leave a matte finish.

The correct way to apply the wax is to use soft and clean cotton or lint-free cloth. Apply the veneer wax by dipping the fabric in the wax can and rubbing it in a small circular motion over the wood’s entire surface, sparingly.

Once the wax is applied, wait about 30-60 minutes to make sure it is dry and that it has impregnated the surface of the wood perfectly. To obtain the desired finish, use a clean cloth (preferably sponge) and polish the surface in which the fibers are directed.

It is recommended to carry out this procedure every 3 months. If there are metal finishes on the door (such as brass, copper, or iron), apply a cleaning solution with a cotton swab or leave for 30 minutes, then clean with a woolen or cotton cloth.

Sometimes the doors are worn out because of insects, such as woodworms. To remedy the holes that these insects create, use wax sticks, which can be sold in hardware stores. Before applying the wax stick, warm it in your hand and use the plastic spatula supplied to apply it.

Smooth the door with coarse sandpaper, remove the dust with a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner, and press lightly with the stick to be used as a hole or crack filler. Remove excess wax with a little fine-grained sandpaper.

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