House Cleaning

How to clean a roller mosquito net

Suppose you have decided to add a mosquito net to your bedroom windows, precisely the roller one. It is important to know that it needs periodic cleaning to remove the insects and their excrements and for the dust tending to nest between the mesh and the driving part. Here is a guide that describes how to proceed in sequence to clean a roller mosquito net.

Needed: Soap and water, Sponge, Clean cloth, Sanitizing spray, Compressed air can, Lubricating spray.

Use soap and water

The first of the three jobs to be performed in sequence on the roller mosquito net consists of washing the screened part with a sponge, using water and soap as a real detergent. The procedure involves a good washing and then drying with a clean cloth, especially if the structure is metallic, to prevent it from generating rust.

As for soap, it is important to emphasize that it must not be excessively perfumed, as it could attract many insects and smear it again, frustrating the work.

Apply sanitizing spray

The second fundamental step to optimize cleaning the roller mosquito net is to apply sanitizing spray on the entire surface. Many on the market are mainly used for air conditioners, as they are suitable for eliminating the mites that nest among the thick meshes of the filters.

The absolute best is certainly the lemongrass one, which in addition to protecting people’s health, manages to keep away the insects and especially the mosquitoes that proliferate in summer, especially if the house is located in an area full of greenery or in the presence of moisture generated by watering the planters. Among other things, the spray in question is not oily; it does not smear the surface, nor does it make it sticky.

Lubricate the roller

To complete the mosquito net’s cleaning, it is necessary to adopt the last measure, which consists of lubricating the roller in the following way. First, get a spray can that gives off compressed air, the type you use to clean the electrical parts and interiors of equipment such as televisions, radios, and computers.

At this point, spray the air inside the roller and precisely on the two sides to remove the accumulated dust. In the same points, apply another type of spray, this time lubricant and antioxidant. It is available with a special dispensing straw suitable for inserting it in small holes on the market.

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