How to Clean a Mirror from Rust
Often on the surface of old mirrors, unsightly spots of rust can appear, affecting their brilliance. Is? the normal effect of oxidation, which inexorably attacks the silver on the back of the reflecting surface, creating annoying spots and blackened areas.
The triggering causes can be many: one of these is humidity. Cleaning and eliminating this type of stain is not easy, but you will know how to do it without a professional’s support, thanks to small and simple tricks. All you need is a pinch of accuracy and the right patience. Let’s see how to do it together.
First, take a soft terry towel and spread it out on a hard surface; it will help rest your mirror and cushion any blows, which could cause breakages and cracks. Then remove the mirror from the holder and, very carefully, place it face down on the towel.
With a sharp knife, gently remove the damaged silver part, trying to blend the edges slightly. The nuance will hide the patch better, preventing you from noticing too sharp edges later. Be very careful in this step because a mistake could compromise the final result. Then polish the scraped area with a soft cloth to gently remove any excess.
At this point, cut aluminum foil that is slightly larger than the area to be patched. Then, with extreme care, spread a skinny layer of multipurpose glue, categorically transparent, on the glass surface and place the shiny side of the aluminum foil on it, making sure it remains perfectly smooth.
Then press it lightly on the glass to make it adhere completely, using the soft cloth. Once the glue is dry, you can turn the mirror, and you will notice that the stain is gone and the repair is barely visible.
Then put your mirror back on the support and apply some hot tea leaves to the area just repaired, rubbing directly on the stain with a cotton cloth or nylon stocking. This system will create a slight abrasion that will further lighten the stain, eliminating any streaks.
Finally, pass a soft rag with white wine vinegar or denatured alcohol over the mirror’s entire surface, thus eliminating the fingerprints created. Your work is finished: the mirror is finally back bright and clean, without streaks and stains!