House Cleaning

How to Clean a Canvas Bag

If there is a canvas bag among the accessories we have, and you decide to clean it, you can do it using different methods. Whichever way you choose, it is imperative not to damage the fibers when the stains and accumulated dirt are removed.

By reading this tutorial, you can have some useful tips and correct information on cleaning a canvas bag using natural remedies.

Needed: Alcohol, Sodium Bicarbonate, Lemon Juice, Talc, Corn Starch, Hydrogen Peroxide, Milk, Cotton wool and white cloth, Neutral soap, Brush for clothing.

If there are ink stains on the bag, you can remedy this problem by using alcohol. In the beginning, you have to dab the part (without rubbing), then you have to place some talcum powder,  and you have to leave it on for about 10 minutes.

At this point, it must be removed with the brush that is generally used to clean clothes. Then, with a rag soaked in neutral soap, it emulsifies on the stain, thus definitively eliminating the halo.

If the dirt on the bag is of another kind, for example,  mud, food, or coffee stains, another natural product can be used. A great remedy is a lemon juice mixed with baking soda. The mixture becomes like a paste and must be spread on the canvas bag, and then it is allowed to dry.

Then it is cleaned with a white cloth, and you get a bag free from stains, without the presence of the halo. However, if the canvas bag is pure white, even a tiny spot becomes visible. In this case, it is essential to apply the milk to the stain with a cotton swab. Then it must be dried with talcum powder and removed (together with the halo) with a clean brush.

A canvas bag that is very dirty and has hard-to-remove stains should be treated by washing in a natural whitening liquid. Then, instead of buying someone of an industrial type, you can comfortably make one at home at a negligible cost and in a short time.

It is advisable to pour hydrogen peroxide on the stains of the canvas bag, then let it emulsify for a few minutes, sprinkle with rice starch, and finally remove everything using a brush. It is good to know that starch, after washing, tends to stiffen the fibers.

This allows you to use the canvas bag for any activity, an accessory for leisure time, and a personal look. In this way, the dirt stains are eliminated, and the bag returns as before the treatment.

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