House Cleaning

House without balcony: Ideas for hanging laundry

If we have a house without balconies but only with windows, we must find an adequate solution to hang the laundry. There are many alternative methods, so we find some ideas for hanging laundry and solving the problem upstream in this list.

Anchor a drying rack on the windowsill

The simplest and most functional method is to anchor a drying rack on the windowsill on the market. There are many and of different sizes. The laundry can be spread on the threads, and once it is complete with clothing, it is hooked onto the windowsill with rails specially fixed on the two sides.

Create parallel threads with pulleys

If our house’s windows are wide enough, we can use them to create parallel and sliding wires, thanks to pulleys. In this way, it becomes easy to hang out the laundry and gradually move them to the sides, leaving others’ space. Parallel threads can also be positioned in multiple ways, capable of filling them with the greatest quantity of washed fabrics and waiting to dry them in the sun.

Use an indoor drying rack.

Very functional is the idea of buying a special indoor drying rack, specially created for small spaces in a house. Using such a structure, perhaps near a window, allows us to dry the laundry using its height instead of the typical ones’ bulky width if they are placed on terraces and balconies. An accessory of this kind, it is also possible to make it DIY, using wooden strips and nylon threads.

Purchase a dehumidifier

The truly ingenious idea is to use a room in the house (even a small closet) as a room for drying laundry. In this case, to maximize the result, insert a dehumidifier in the context, with the certainty that the day after the washed clothes is dry as bait. The dehumidifier can suck all the water within 7-8 hours.

Fasten two telescopic rods on the sides of the window

Another particularly functional and suitable idea for small windows is to fix telescopic rods on the two sides as we spread the laundry. We stretch them forward, leaving room for other items.

In this way, we take advantage of the area in front of the window by protruding the laundry in-depth, and we maximize the reduced space of the compartment. We can make these rods on our own, using each of the aluminum tubes of two different diameters so that the smaller one can slide into the larger one.

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