With the industrial revolution, manufacturing products’ methods have been speeded up, up to the series production. The wallpaper had a huge spread in all the houses, replacing the first cards handmade.
Unlike classical painting that can be more static, the wallpaper is characterized by patterns and prints enliven the walls and the environment. Furthermore, it is simple to apply and often is less wasteful of paint from walls.
These qualities have allowed a wide range of use in many homes, but how can you clean a wall covered with wallpaper? The next steps are given all the information.
Take a non-metallic bowl and fill it with hot water and one cup of mild liquid soap. After mixing well, soak a rather large sponge in the resulting product and begin to wipe the wallpaper, starting from the operation.
Unless you want to use a ladder, the upper parts place the cloth on top of a broom and use it as a roller to paint. Be careful not to over-wet the sponge, or the paper may wrinkle. Clean a small section of the wall and check that no area will come off the wall.
After the first pass, you wait a few minutes to reabsorb the excess liquid. The second hand increased the power of the solution prepared by adding in it one or two scoops (depends on the degree of dirt) spray degreaser.
Mix well and repeat previously performed cleaning. Since degreaser tends to leave marks, move the sponge in circular and fast movements. For deeper action, they replaced the towel with a chamois cloth. If necessary, take the third hand.
If there are circumscribed spots, grated it the area with a toothbrush or a metal brush, helping with some dispensing the spray degreasing, always check that the decorations or paper drawings do not fade.
The brush must be moved in different directions, precisely because it is not irremediably spoiled: move it vertically and horizontally and then with circular and fast movements. When the stain’s pigmentation begins to decrease, dried with a clean cloth to remove the excess of the product.