How to clean the tiled floor with vinegar
Clean the floor tiles can be quite difficult and complicated. The specific products that are on the market have been often exorbitant costs. Sometimes ineffective or too aggressive and can cause serious damage to the decors.
In this case, the best solution is to create a housewife mixture with vinegar. Not only will you save significantly in economic terms, but it also will ensure visible and appreciable results. We see practically how to clean the tiled floor with vinegar.
To create this ” miracle potion, “you will need five gallons of warm water, ten tablespoons of white wine vinegar, ten tablespoons of ethyl alcohol, and two soap for washing dishes. Mix all in a bucket to wash the floors, after which, with the aid of a rag or mop, started to pass it over the surface.
After sweeping the floor thoroughly, proceed with washing and empty the pail of dirty water now. You can repeat the operation or rinse with plain warm water.
It’s quite simple to find the ingredients for this type of washing, and many of you will already have everything you need at home. The result will be immediately apparent, and with little money, you will get the same results you would get by purchasing chemicals and very expensive.
The floor looks as shiny as you will have ever seen. To keep it as clean as possible and as new, remember to use a neutral protective wax easily found in any supermarket from time to time. By the same method, it is also possible to wash other surfaces, always terracotta and ceramic, and other coating materials.
Vinegar, as well as to clean the brick, can be used for many other functions. You may want to eliminate bad odors from the sink drain when heated and poured into the kitchen’s plumbing. Also great for cleaning refrigerators and microwaves.
If you add a few drops to the washing machine, in addition to acting as an anti-limescale and thus ensure its maintenance, it will function as a softener and eliminate all odors difficult as, for example, smoke, egg, and grease.
Finally, vinegar can also be used for personal care. If used to rinse the hair, disinfecting them will make them very bright and much stronger.