How to clean stuffed toys of your children

In every house where there are children, they cannot miss the plush puppets. Cute and colorful, fill the bedrooms of our babies, and they do a lot of company. Unfortunately, they attract much dust and thus become a real repository of mites and other pathogens.

The result is the need for having to clean up, but we need to find an effective way yet gentle not to harm our children’s beloved companion. In the following guide, we will see precisely how to clean stuffed animals with the best system.

Requirement: The plush puppets, Liquid detergent for delicate garments, Medium-sized bowl.

First, let’s make sure that the stuffed animals are devoid of electrical circuits. We can clean them only by passing a damp cloth in the outer part of the doll. But if you have none, the best way is to wash them by hand. Take a basin of medium-sized and pour lukewarm water and a little liquid detergent for delicate garments.

We prefer the detergent also suited to be used in the washing machine. It will produce less foam, and the rinse will be easier and faster. We soak in the bowl stuffed animals leaving them to soak for a few minutes. We do not rub them. The outer fabric may be damaged.

Then we proceed to the rinse cycle, which must be carried out as gently as possible. Most importantly, do not wring stuffed animals once finished rinsing. This is because, as in the washing step, the outer part could be irreparably damaged.

We spread them still dripping on a clothesline, not hang with pegs, but let the water slides on. Suppose below pear stuffed animals some basins to collect the excess water. Remember never to expose them to direct sunlight. The colors tend to lose intensity. We prefer a shaded area, although it will obviously require more drying time.

Some stuffed animals can be washed in the washing machine. We look for good the label and, if possible, we will save so much effort and time. If it were possible, then choose a program for delicate fabrics, we use the same detergent we used by washing them by hand, but we add a little fabric softener, will gain the softness of our stuffed animals.

We can also, if they possess one, put them in the dryer. But remember to choose a cycle without the hot air.

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