House Cleaning

How to clean your dishwasher with natural remedies

The dishwasher is one of the most-used appliances in our homes. Its ease of use and the invaluable assistance provided in domestic labor are essential for many of us.

To allow this appliance to work, offering the highest quality results is necessary to clean it periodically. Many products in the market can play a sanitizing function, but they are often expensive and polluting.

In this guide, we will see how clean our dishwasher through natural remedies, simply by using ingredients that we can easily find in our larders, and they will not affect in a negative environment. Still, they will carry out their work effectively and fast.

Requirement: Vinegar, Baking soda, Lemon.

A first ingredient elevated sanitizing power for many electrical appliances (fridge, oven, etc.) And also suitable for our dishwasher is white vinegar. The vinegar will be able to refresh your dishwasher, giving it a fresh, clean scent due to its acidity, can remove germs, water stains, and soap residue.

It will be enough to pour a cup of vinegar on the bottom of the dishwasher empty (avoiding to put it in the dispenser for detergent) by setting a complete washing cycle at the highest temperature. After washing, we use the appliance as always.

A second and effective natural alternative to clean the best of our dishwasher is to fill a glass with water and three teaspoons of bicarbonate, placing it on the bottom rack of the dishwasher empty.

We activate then a complete washing cycle according to the instructions we have seen previously. We remembered to remove the glass once the program is finished. We will have a fantastic result, thanks to the bicarbonate absorption power.

A final effective method to eliminate odors is to make a complete cycle without clothes in the basket by inserting a glass with lemon juice. The latter, due to degreasing properties and sanitizers, will remove odors and will smell the dishwasher.

Remember to make this special maintenance at least once a month to allow the dishwasher to have a long life and always satisfy us with good results.

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