How to clean the bathroom with natural products

The bathroom is that part of the house; you need deep hygiene, and clean the bathroom using natural products can be a challenge and a viable alternative to chemicals. This guide will give you some ideas on how to clean the bathroom with natural products.

Requirement: Hot water, White wine vinegar, Lemons, Baking soda, Essential oil of tea tree.

The products we’re going to use will be baking soda, white vinegar, lemon, and tea tree essential oil. Take an empty spray container of about 500 ml and fill it with the white vinegar (1 cup) 1 teaspoon of tea tree essential oil (one of the most powerful for eliminating bacteria, but if the perfume you do not like it.

You can replace the essential oil of lavender or eucalyptus) and with water to fill the container: this will be the product you will use to clean the toilet seat. Spray directly on the seat surface and the outer ceramic on which it rests and with a damp sponge, just spread the product, concluding with a thorough rinsing.

A good idea to clean the toilet is to use the cooking water from the pasta, mixed with lemon and vinegar; we can pour a part inside the bowl and use the rest to the edges, scrubbed, and everything will be cleaned and disinfected due to the acidity developed by the ingredients used.

An alternative to disinfecting our water is to sprinkle the brush with baking soda and rub it well in every corner; Also, baking soda has a good antiseptic and disinfectant action, also, due to its ability to absorb odors, allowing you to eliminate any bad smell from the cup. You can do the same thing using a solution containing citric acid.

Regarding our taps, continuously subject to the formation of limescale and stains due to it, there is no better product vinegar. We will use it after you have warmed up, and having soaked a sponge, rub well on the most critical points and rinse under running water; after that, we dry everything well with a clean cloth to avoid further blemishes.

It may also happen when the water is particularly rich in mineral salts and impurities of various kinds, which blocks the retina aerator; in these cases, unscrew the parts vinegar and let them soak for a while. When it has melted almost everything, we can always rinse using hot water and put everything in its place.

As you just read, it is effortless to clean the house without pollution without spending a fortune, just relying on old and increasingly effective natural remedies.

Note: Be careful not to use baking soda on the tub’s resin bath.
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