How to choose the size of garden pots

Logically, the vessel size is related only to the space we have been available. If we have large garden furnishings over, we can have great vessels.

One thing to consider when buying is to choose the right size of the vessel. As we are often tempted to purchase a vessel much larger than the previous one, thinking that. In this way, the roots will be more comfortable, and the plant with the most space available will grow better.

This is not true, because if you choose the too big vase, you will have a lot of land around the roots, with the disadvantage that the plant further develop the root system, to the detriment of the aerial part.

First, you have to say that the vessels’ sizes are the most varied, from big ones like barrels to smaller earthen pots.

When you buy a pot, use common sense, and if you do not know what to choose, follow these rules. If the original vessel is within ten centimeters in diameter, the new vessel will be the largest of no more than 1.5 cm.

If you have one between 15-25 diameter, the new vessel will have to be larger than 2.5 cm; if you have another one that goes from 25 to 30 cm, the one you purchase will be greater than 5 centimeters diameter. In general, if we find plants that grow fast, the dimensions indicated above will be doubled. Avoid doing too often repotting.

There are suitable vessels to stay on the ground and arranged to be attached to walls or placed on the shelves. You can also recycle old relics, such as colander or containers for bread you no longer use and tailored to garden plants.

If you intend to grow edible plants in pots, their space, and enough depth: plants whose root is edible need space because this is developed properly.

The strawberry growers, on the contrary, economize for maximum space. The clay pots they use are characterized by a series of small pockets that allow you to optimize the number of plants per unit of space.

Another possibility to consider if you do not have enough space is the grow bag, very robust waterproof canvas bags, handles and drainage holes, and very beautiful to see in a garden.

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