House Cleaning

How to clean Non-stick Cookware

In the kitchen, many accessories are used for cooking. The most-used accessories, as well as plates, glasses, and cutlery, are the pots. This is because it is the accessory you need to cook the dishes. When we have to clean non-stick cookware, we need to use effective products to remove dirt. But above all, products that make pots shine. In this guide, straightforward steps, we will see how to clean non-stick cookware.

As a rule of thumb, it is advisable to check the instruction manual of non-stick cookware. Alternatively, you can search for product information online. Just type the brand name of the pots on the search engine, and enter the product website.

Always check the information before using this type of cookware for the first time. Rinse or immerse the pots as soon as they cool after cooking. Do not leave dry food residues, or else you risk having to do double work, as non-stick coatings are very delicate.

Use only wooden or silicone utensils, as the non-stick surface can be scratched very easily. Silicone tools are more suitable. This is because they withstand the highest temperatures without melting like plastic. Wash non-stick cookware with hot water and detergent, using a nylon rag or a soft brush.

If burnt food remains, a solution consisting of baking soda and hot water can be used. Use this solution just enough to cover the bottom of the pot. If the solution turns brown, it means it is working. As a result, encrusted food should disappear from the bottom of the pot.

Remove any stains from the bottom of the pan, using a non-abrasive dish detergent. Most non-stick cookware manufacturers recommend this method as it is believed to be the safest way to keep cookware looking its best.

Mix some detergent with the water and scrub the stains in a circular motion. This helps keep the bottom shiny and shiny. Dry cookware immediately after cleaning, as non-stick surfaces tend to show water stains easily. This happens when storing wet pans. In this guide, we have seen how to clean non-stick cookware.

Note: One piece of advice you can take into consideration is to use effective products for cleaning pots.

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